computer technology and computer science

computer technology and computer science

Computer science

computer technology

computer science

Computer technology

technology definition

A computer  technology is a general purpose machine which can perform many computational tasks. Now the modern day computers that we have can perform billions or trillions of calculations within a fraction of second. 

computer technology

Now the thing is these computer's they can't really do anything on their own. so for a computer to do something one has to give the instructions to it and these instructions will contain step by step information to perform a specific task and these instructions are called a program .

what does technology mean

Now the person who is going to write these instructions or the program is called as the programmer and here the programmer will write instructions or the program and the computer will execute that or computer will work on that instructions now the computers that we have they contain lot of programs in them.

latest computer technology

 There are some programs which will manage the computer hardware resources and  for example the Notepad web browser music player video player and all these types of programs are called as the application programs. 

computer information technology

Now we know that we need to give instructions to the computer so that the computer can work on it. Now the thing is how we can give the instruction to the computer or in which language we can give the instructions to the computer .

new computer technology

Now since this computer is a machine how we can communicate with this machine. Now the language in which these instructions are written or the language in which this program is written is called as the programming language. Now there are several types of programming languages and we are going to see the details about them.latest technology and latest computer hardware

computer technology

computer science

future computer technology

Now you guys may probably have heard that the computers can only understand the binary language. Now this binary language has only two values.0 and 1 so in this binary language whatever you want to say has to be in the form of this and 1. now these computers are built in such a way that they can understand or they can recognize the pattern of the zeros and ones and then they can work on it accordingly. 

Now why have we built computers to understand this binary language? That is because this binary language which has only two values is easy to create in the hardware level for example if we have a wire and if the current is flowing through this wire then we can say it is 1 if the currents are not flowing then we can say it is zero. 

so in general we can say that one stands for something which exists and zero stands for something which doesn't exist so since this binary language is easy to create in the hardware level so the computer is built in the hardware level to recognize this pattern of 0 and 1 and while building the computer for a specific pattern of 0 and 1 a specific setup operations are defined. 

so when the computer will see a specific pattern of 0 and 1 it knows what it has to do. so now the computers can understand this binary language and this binary language with the computers understand are also called as the machine language. Now let's see the types of programming languages available. Now in this modern day we have a lot of programming languages available. 

so let's take a look at the types of programming languages. So the first type of programming language or the language in which we can communicate with the computer is the language which the computer understands.

Now all of you know that this computer can understand this binary language or the machine language which is the combination of zeros and ones. so the first type of programming languages is the machine level language And in this machine level language we have the instructions in the form of 0 and 1. 

So whatever you want to say has to be in the form of zero and one and since the computers are built in such a way that they can recognize these zeros and ones and perform some specific operation on that combination of zeros and ones you know we can communicate with his computer in this language.

 Now the problem with this machine level language is that in order to program in this machine level language one has to know everything about the computer. so here the programmer is directly dealing with the hardware level so he is directly working on the memory and the data. 

so the programmer needs to know everything about the computer, computer processor the computer architecture everything about that he has to know and that's why this machine level language is a bit difficult to learn and also think about this let's say you want to write a program in the machine level language or you want to give instructions to the computer in the machine level language and your program consists of thousand lines. all your instruction will contain this 0 and 1 and this combination of the zeros and ones.

computer technology

computer science

 first of all it is difficult to write the program and also if you make some mistakes in your program then it is difficult to spot and because of all these, a normal guy can't really learn the programming easily.

 So to solve these kinds of problems another type of programming language was invented and they are called the Assembly level language. In this assembly level language instead of that zeros and ones combination mnemonic the symbolic codes were introduced for example if the programmer has to write an instruction let's say he wants to add the numbers 5 and 6. 

then in the machine level language it haste be in the form of these zeros and ones. so let's say this is going to be the instruction to add the numbers 5 and 6. 

so in the machine level language it will look like this but in the Assembly level language mnemonic codes are used and the programmer could write ADD 5 6. 

So a lot of mnemonics or the symbolic codes were used and the programmer could write the program in this way. 

so it was a much more human readable format the programmer can understand the code just by looking at it and it was a lot easier to code than the machine level language. 

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