
Whatsapp tips and tricks

 tips and trips 

whatsapp tips and tricks

whatsapp tips and tricks

whatsapp tricks and hacks

1.lets begin with our first trick .you might have come across it.in so many situations when we want to send messages to someone but we don’t  want to save his numbers. you can send messages without saving their numbers. so this is our first trick.

Whatsapp tips and tricks

You simply need to open any browser and then type on the browser

https//:your country code and that mobile number which you don’t want to save


I am from India so country code (+91)

https//: +91  1234567891

tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsapp

tips and tricks

you will see this interface and you can type on the message and  get   your work done

you can easily send messages without saving the number.

whatsapp hack android

2.Our second trick is mostly for business person’s and is most helpful for them.

So let’s see how  it helps. If  you get any messages from friends or family but you can’t answer them do to work or you are in office so that the tricks we can tell you that you can answer them without being caught.

You can auto reply them (for example thank you) you can send messages to all the people like I am busy or at work can’t talk right now etc.

You can do this easily on the whatsapp so let’s start our tricks.

You will need to install apps for doing this trick. you can visit the play store or app store and search  there  whatsapp auto reply app

You can open it and give the notification permission to the app and then  interface will be open 

Auto reply to

o  Everyone

o  My contacts

o  Except my contacts


tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsapp

tips and tricks

You can select the options according to your need

Or you can select for the particular group .

Then you can create your auto message which you want to send .save it  then it will start

working  it will automatically send messages to people.

3.Now we will move towards our third trick .this is one of the favourite tricks which I personally use many times. And I think I should share with you if you have any message  and you want to read that  message without having any blue ticks .Yes that possible .

So let’s  began

You need to go on airplane mode  and then read that message  and after that you have to close the  whatsapp then turn off airplane mode and your work will get completed .

The person who has sent the messages will not have any idea that you have read or not read the message.

tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsap

tips and tricks

So isn’t this interesting well if you like it then let me know by commenting .

4.You all are using whatsapp daily but only few of you know about this trick .

When we open the message page on whatsapp you can see at the top there are so many options .

So our trick is regarding those options .You have seen there a star icon and many of you are ignoring that because you don’t know the use  of that button so here we are to help you.

If you want any message to save as bookmarks then with that star button you can bookmark that  and see that message in the starred message options .

5.Our next tips and trick is about chat background many of you might have knowledge regarding this tips but we want to share this so that those who don’t know can have knowledge

Most of you know about this trick but you are not using this trick .so let’s start the tricks

Most of you are using  the default chat background theme .but you can change it by going into settings and clicking on wallpapers and you can select one of your choice .and then use it as your background .

tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsapp

tips and tricks 

6.many of you want to use two whatsapp in your mobile and you can do that without installing any third party apps that can harm your device . Many of the people are using the combo of whatsapp and Gb whatsapp.

But I should tell you that Gb whatsapp is harmful and more riskful  for any of your devices .

So now the problem is how to use two whatsapp .well for that you don’t need to worry we are here to help you without harming your devices.

So let start our tips

whatsapp hidden tricks

You can simply use regular whatsapp and with that you can use whatsapp business it is a whatsapp company  app not a third party app

You can get this app on play store and app store and you can download it for free

tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsapp

tips and tricks

Isn’t this a useful tip?

whatsapp tricks

7. Now let’s move toward our seventh tips and tricks .

This trick is for those people who are daily chatting and have so many messages.

If you want to send messages in a unique way you can do that by following our tricks

If you want to send a bold and stylish message. You need to follow the step

Type*your message * and send that it will be a unique message.

Now let’s try to understand this with an example

Type the message same as below :

*Hi how are you *

And send this message

You will the message send as

Hi how are you

this will make you look cool in front of your friends and family members.

8.If you have any favourite person in your contact list and you always want to see them on the top of your whatsapp list .you can do that by following our tips .

For example you want to see the name of your  friend, girlfriend ,parent etc on the top of your list every time  you can do that.

Let’s start the tips and tricks

You need to simply  long press on that contact and then so many option available and you c

Have to select the pin option and then that contact will always be at the top of your list.

tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsapp

tips and tricks

9. let’s move to the next tips and trick

This can relate with many of you .we all are tired of whatsapp group .this group consists of family friends  and many more people. And the notification from these groups irritates a lot so we can solve this problem .

You can long press  on that group and mute that group .and after that you will not get any of the notification

I know everyone was aware of those tips and tricks .

10.Our next tips  are also regarding groups on the whatsApp. If anyone from an unknown number adds you on the whatsapp group and it is very irritating for us . so in whatsapp we can do a setting that without our permission no one can add us in any group.

So basically this is the trick we want to share with you so let’s begin.

You can open whatsapp and then go to the setting and then click on the privacy option and then you will find a group option there you have to click on that and open it  and from option you can select according to your choice .

tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsapp

tips and tricks

Option will be

*                       Everyone

*                       My contact

*                       My contact except

By default it will be set on everyone but you have to change it from everyone to my contacts

So that only your contacts can add you in any group.

11.Now lets move towards our new tips and tricks .if you go for travelling with someone and you don’t that person’s location and if you don’t know where you are  then by taking the help of the whatsapp you can easily find the location of that person .so our this trick is regarding that location.

So let’s start this tricks

You can share your location on whatsapp with them. we will tell you how you can do that .

You need to open the message page and then there will be a pin like option you have to click on that and then you have to click on location and then you can share your location with that person.

tips and tricks , trips and tricks for whatsapp

12.Our next tips and tricks are regarding whatsapp security. For securing whatsapp we are using a third party app lock app to keep it secure .But this is very risky because this app can access your data or share your data with anyone . so our next trick is regarding that security for your whatsapp locks.

So let’s began with the trips we will tell you how to do this

You need to open your whatsapp account and then click on the setting and in the  setting option you have click on account and then you will find so many option then you have to click on the privacy option and inside of the privacy option .you need to scroll down and reach at last and then you will find the fingerprint lock option you need to click on that and then you have to on this feature and have your fingerprint register. This is very safe because it is an inbuilt finger lock owned by whatsapp only so that no third party apps can share the data .

tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsapp

tips and tricks

13.Our next trick is very useful for you all. Have you ever thought that you can schedule  your  messages and can control when to send those messages . Yes you are thinking right this is possible and this is tips or tricks we want to share with you all the people .for example if someone’s birthday is there and you want to wish that person but at that time you will be busy in some other work . but you can schedule your message and it will automatically send the message isn’t this trick useful . please lets us know

So let’s began with the trick

For this, you will have to install an app . you need to visit play store and simply search for whatsapp message schedule and then you can  download it. And then use it by scheduling your messages.

14.So lets move toward our next tricks . If you want to use whatsapp on the computer or laptop you can do that . many of you will not have known about this previously. But here we will tell you .

You need to do follow our tricks

           Open any browser on your computer or laptop and visit             Google.com search for an url you have to type www.                  whatsappweb.com

           you have to open the link and then it will show you a         QR code and then you have to open your WhatsApp    account on your mobile device and then you have to    click on the three dots and then you will find option   WhatsApp web and then you have to scan the QR code visible on your computer or laptop screen and after    scanning the QR code your WhatsApp. WhatsApp will  be open on the computer or laptop. Then you can start     using your WhatsApp on your computer or laptop.

tips and tricks , tips and tricks for whatsapp

tips and tricks 

15. Our new tips and tricks are for people who irritate by having lots of images and videos on WhatsApp. videos and images are automatically downloaded on their WhatsApp. because of this the loss of data is wasted. So our new trip is for people who are irritated by the above problem. you can control on WhatsApp which image you should download and same for the video.

you just need to follow our steps.

you simply go on the WhatsApp and then click on the settings and then you will find data and storage settings. you will find many options you have to click on when using mobile data and then you have to deselect all the options. IN this way you can control which image or video you have to download. It will be downloaded only if you will click on it.

this can save your lots of data usage

Whatsapp tips and tricks

16. So let us move towards our last tips and tricks . This trick will be most helpful to all of you. Many of you send some messages to someone and you want to take that message back. yes you can do that power by following our tips .

this is the most amazing tips and tricks we would like to share share

so let's begin with the trick

you have to open your WhatsApp account and then long press on the message which you want to take back. There will be options available you need to select the delete option and then three options will pop up. you need to select delete for everyone and your message will be deleted.