





In this we will share information regarding the algorithms . Not many people know about algorithms . why it is used , where it is used . so we have brought detailed information on algorithms .

Finite sets of  instructions   that is followed to do a particular task is called as algorithms

In computer language we know that an algorithm is a set of instructions that can be solved step by step .


In simple language we can define algorithms as an algorithms represents step by instructions required to solve any problem


From the data structure point of view following are some of the categories of algorithms

1.       SEARCH -  algorithms to search an item in a data structure

2.      SORT- algorithm to sort item in a certain order

3.      INSERT- algorithm to insert item in data structure

4.      UPDATE-algorithm to update an existing item in data structure

5.      DELETE-algorithm to delete an existing item from data structure




             What are algorithms ?


Algorithms is that which are written before writing any computer program(coding) so that they can be a better computer program(coding) . People make use of algorithms for solving any kind of problems . With the help of Algorithms one can solve any kind of problem step by step . For example , suppose  if you want to make a phone call . It is also a kind of problem and you have to solve it. To make a phone call we have to do certain steps .

Step 1  you need to check whether phone is on or off

Step 2. You need to dialed the number and wait for person to receive the call

Step 3. If that person receives your call then your work will get completed .






 algorithms for beginners

You need to follow these steps to make simple phone calls . So  with the example it is clear that to do a certain work we need to do planning for that work so that it gets completed . If you miss any of the steps your work will not get completed .  

 so to find any solution for your problem you have to divide them into steps (algorithms) . so this group of steps are called algorithms . 

we have tried to explain you what is algorithm with some simple example we hope that now it is clear to you or you have a basic information regarding the algorithms


           How Algorithms works ?

   computer algorithm

   The algorithms works on many things

1.         Finiteness algorithm

  The algorithm which are simple means the steps are very less and are not complicated they are easy to understand


2.      . Precisely defined algorithms


In this each step of algorithms is clearly defined and they are easy to be used .


3.       . Input


A good algorithm always provide a good input to the user


4.        Output


A good algorithm like inputs also provides good outputs .


5.      Effectiveness


A algorithms should always be problem solving


6.        Unambiguous


An algorithm should be right and clear  in which each line and step should provide any meaning .



Now we know what is algorithms and how it is used but there is one more common question  that where algorithms are used






       Where algorithms are used ?

 algorithms book

As you now know that algorithms are used nowadays everywhere we use them in doing some simple works also . 

algorithm in programming

But mostly algorithms are used in companies or while making any programs or industries are mostly making use of the algorithms (algorithm movie).


characteristics of algorithm


So now we will you tell you about the uses of algorithms

 1.       Mathematical problem (algorithm math)


To solve any mathematical problem we should have some algorithms or steps so that by following those steps we can find solutions to the work . 

for example if a number is greater than 1 then it should be +   or if the number is less than 1 it should be – .


2.      Face book



For example we can take facebook which totally runs on the algorithms of Google  .


3.      Computer scientists and many engineers are also making the use of algorithms . Because by following algorithms or steps it saves a lot of time .

 algorithm and flowchart

4.      We should not make any mistake so that many flowchart and algorithms are made .

example of algorithm


5.      So many fields  like space research ,  artificial intelligence , are the  algorithm examples .

types of algorithm


6.      Before writing any kind of computer program at first the algorithms are made


For example if you want to write a program to check whether the number is not a prime


So to write such a program you have to follow the algorithms for example algorithm in c  . If you start writing without any planning of algorithms there will be a high chance of errors in the program which you have made .


7.      To write any pseudo code  there is a high need of algorithms


Now we hope that you know where the algorithms are used . Now let’s move toward the advantage of algorithms.






 Advantage of algorithms ?


1.       Algorithms help us in solving any problem very easily .


2.      Algorithms make use of techniques to solve the problem easily.


3.      It does not depend on any kind of programming language . so if one does not have the knowledge of programming he can also easily understand the algorithms by reading only .


4.      Each algorithm consists of separate channels  therefore it is very easy to debug.


5.      Algorithms can be easily converted into the flowchart  and then it can be easily used in any kind of program.


6.      Algorithms has been most important and helpful in machine learning ( like space research and artificial intelligence )


7.      It does not required any special skill for implementation 


So with the advancement in technology we are more and more making use of algorithms .  Today's algorithms are used in virtual assistance technologies and are also using these algorithms . so we hope that we have shared information regarding the algorithms that are helpful for you .








              Disadvantage of algorithms

.           1.  It is not executable

            2. Error cannot be detected

            3.There are no syntax to write a algorithm

      4. If  any algorithm is wrong then the whole written  based on that   particular    algorithm will be wrong  .

You can learn algorithms by the given links 

algorithms for beginners pdf


best book to learn algorithms for beginners

algorithms for beginners books


learn algorithms online


algorithm psychology


algorithm rubik's cube
