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All 7 billion people on earth</i> <i>would have the capability of learning anything much faster.</I> <I>The web democratize information and this next evolution</I> <I>will democratize something just as important, guidance.</I> <I> The ideal chat boot can talk intelligently about any domain.

</I> <I>That's the holy grail, but domain specific chat</I> <I>are definitely possible.</I> <I>The technical term for this Isa question answering system.</I> <i>Surprisingly, we've been able to do this since way back</i> <i>in the '70s.

</i> <i> Lunar was one of the first.</i> <i>It was, as you might have guessed, rule based,</i> <i>so it allowed geologists task questions about moon rocks</i> <i>from the Apollo missions.</i> <i>

A later improvement to rule based Q&A systems, allowed</i> <i>programmers to encode patterns into their boot</i> <i>called artificial intelligence markup language, or AIML.</i> <i> That meant less code for the same results.</i> <i>But yeah, don't use AIML.</i> <i>It's so old it makes Nuka look new.</i> <i>Now with deep learning, we can do this</i> <i>without hard coded responses and have much better results.</i> <i>

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The generic case</i> <i>is that you give it some DAX as input,</i> <i>and then asking a question.</i> <i>It'll give you the right answer after logically reasoning</i> <i>about it.</i> <i>The input could also be that everybody is happy.</i> <i>And then the question could be what's the sentiment?</i> <i>The answer would be positive.

</i> <i>Other possible questions are what's the entity?</i> <i>What are the part of speech tags?</i> <i>What's the translation to French?</i> <i>We need a common model for all of these questions.</i> <i> when</i> <i>they released a paper introducing this really cool</i> <i>idea called a memory network.</i> <i>LSTM networks proved to be useful tool in tasks like tech</i> <i>summarization,

 Their memory, encoded by hidden states</i> <i>and weights, is too small for very, very long sequences</i> <i>of data.</i> <i>Be that a book or a movie.</i> <i>A way around this for language translation,</i> <i>for example, what's to store multiple LSTM states,</i> <i>and use an attention mechanism to choose between them.

</i> <i>But they developed another strategy</i> <i>that outperformed LSTM's for Q&A systems.</i> <i> The idea was to allow a neural network</i> <i>to use an external data structure as memory storage.</i> <i>It learns where to retrieve the required memory from the memory</i> <i>bank in a supervised way.</i> <i>

When it came to answering questions</i> <i>from POI data that was generated,</i> <i>that info was pretty easy to come by.</i> <i>But in real world data, it is not that easy.</i> <i>Most recently, there was a foul month long Cagle contest</i> <i>that a startup called Meta Mind placed in the top 5% for.

</i> <i> To do this they built a new state of the art model</i> <i>called a dynamic memory network that built</i> <i>on Face book’s initial idea.</i> <i>That's the one we'll focus on, so let's build it</i> <i>programmatically using Keas.</i> <i>(saran (voiceover)) This dataset is pretty well organized.</i> <i>It was created by Face book AI research</i> <i>for the specific goal of improving textual reasoning.</i> <i>It's grouped into20 different tasks.</i> <i>Each task test a different aspect of reasoning.</i> <i>

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So, overall it provides good overview</i> <i>of all the different capabilities of your learning</i> <i>model.</i> <i>There are 1,000questions for training,</i> <i>and 1,000 for testing per task.</i> <i>Each question is paired with a statement,</i> <i>or series of statements, as well as an answer.</i> <i>The goal is to have one model that can succeed in all tasks</i> <i>easily.</i> <i>We'll use pre-trained Glove vectors</i> <i>to help create sequence of word vectors</i> <i>from our input sentences.</i> <i>And these vectors will acts inputs to the model.

</i> <i>The daemon architecture defines two types of memory.</i> <i>Semantic, and episodic.</i> <i>These input factors are considered the semantic memory,</i> <i>whereas, episodic memory might contain other knowledge as</i> <i>well.</i> <i>And we'll talk about that in a second.

</i> <i>We can fetch our Babel data set from the web,</i> <i>and split them into training and testing data.</i> <i>Glove will help convertor words to vectors,</i> <i>so they're ready tube fed into our model.</i> <i>The first module, the input module,</i> <i>is a GRU, or gated recurrent unit,

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</i> <i>that runs on a sequence of word vectors.</i> <i>A GRU cell is kind of like an LSTM cell,</i> <i>but it's more computationally efficient since it only</i> <i>has two gates, and it doesn’t use a memory unit.</i> <i>The two gates control when its content is updated,</i> <i>and when it's erased.</i> <i>Update.</i> <i>Reset.</i> <i>Update.</i> <i>Reset.</i> <i>Update.</i> <i>Reset.

</i> <i>And the hidden state of the input module</i> <i>represents the input process, so far in a vector.</i> <i>It outputs hidden states after every sentence,</i> <i>and these outputs are called facts in the paper,</i> <i>because they represent the essence of what is fed.</i> <i>Given a word vector and the previous time step vector,</i> <i>we'll compute the current time step vector.</i> <i>The update gate is a single layer neural network.</i> <i>We sum up the matrix multiplications,</i> <i>and add a biased term.</i> <i>And then the sigmoid squashes it to a list</i> <i>of values between 0 and1, the output vector.

</i> <i>We do this twice with different sets of weights,</i> <i>then we use a reset gate that will</i> <i>learn to ignore the past time steps when necessary.</i> <i>For example, if the next sentence</i> <i>has nothing to do with those that came before it.</i> <i>

The update gate is similar in that it</i> <i>can learn to ignore the current time step entirely.</i> <i> Maybe the current sentence has nothing to do with the answer.</i> <i>Whereas, previous ones did.</i> <i>(saran (voiceover)) Then, there’s the question module.</i> <i>It processes the question word by word,</i> <i>and outputs a vector using the same GRU as the input module,</i> <i>and the same weights.</i> <i>We can encode both of them by creating</i> <i>embedding layers for both.

</i> <i>Then we'll create an episodic memory representation for both.</i> <i> The motivation for this in the paper,</i> <i>came from the hippocampus function in our brain.</i> <i>It's able to retrieve temporal states that</i> <i>are triggered by some response, like a sight or a sound.</i> <i>(saran (voiceover)) Both the fact and question</i> <i>vectors that are extracted from the input</i> <i>enter the episodic memory module.</i> <i>It's composed of two nested GRU's.</i> <i>The inner GRU generates what are called episodes.</i> <i>It does this by passing over the facts from the input module.

</i> <i>When updating its interstate,  takes into account</i> <i>the output of attention function on the current fact.</i> <i>The attention function gives score between 0 and 1</i> <i>to each fact.</i> <i>

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And so, the GRU ignores facts with low scores.</i> <i>After each full passion all the facts,</i> <i>the inner GRU outputs an episode which</i> <i>is then fed to the outer GRU.</i> <i>The reason we need multiple episodes,</i> <i>is so our model can learn what part of a sentence</i> <i>it should pay attention to after realizing after one pass,</i> <i>that something else is important.</i> <i>With multiple passes,