

Introduction to quantum computers 

Quantum computing

quantum computing

Quantum computing is also notoriously fickle. They need tightly controlled environments to operate in. 

Changes in nearby temperatures and electromagnetic waves can cause them to mess up. No, it was only in the early eighties that a few physicists, such as Richard Feynman had the amazing suggestion that if nature is giving us that computational lemon,well.

why not make it into lemonade? Amplitudes can be positive or negative. In fact, they can even be complex numbers involving the square root of a negative one. So a quit is a bit that has an amplitude for being zero and another amplitude for being one 



How do quantum computers works


How does quantum computers works 

 In order to understand the potential of quantum computers it is useful to briefly touch on how traditional computers process data . 

How the information is processed in the microprocessor . the microprocessor essentially performs a series of calculations based on the strings of 1 and 0 .called bits . 

The microprocessor with extremely tiny components that work together to keep track of the strings of 0 and 1. The more the component the faster and powerful will be the components of microprocessors .

 At the  quantum level things work very differently from how they work in macroscopic world tiny particles like electron and photons




Quantum computing

Quantum computing 



How Quantum computers are different 

 what is quantum physics


quantum physics definition



Quantum computers are totally  different from normal computers .A quantum computer is a machine which follows the principle of quantum mechanics (quantum physics made simple ) .

quantum physics definition

Quantum computers makes a hard work lot easier than any other machines . In normal computers the computer uses binary digits ( 0 or 1 ) .

For reading any kind of data but in Quantum computer they are using Quantum digits (quits) in normal’s computer can take one value (0 or 1)at a time but in case of quantum computer it can take two digits ( 0 and 1) at  a time . 

This  quantum digits called as qubits can take 4 value ate time . the value you can shown in the photo given below  .






Quantum computing

Quantum computing




This  makes quantum computers work very fast then many of the computers . These quantum computers  make complex calculations more simpler than any normal computer .




Wall Street could use them to optimize portfolios, simulate economic forecasts and for complex risk analysis. 

There are some simply astonishing financial opportunities in quantum computing. This is why there's so much interest. Even though it's a sofa down the road. But nothing is ever a sure thing. 

From the very beginning, it was understood that building a useful quantum computer was going to be a staggeringly hard engineering problem if it was even possible at all. 

In October 2019,Google made a big announcement. Google said it had achieved quantum supremacy. 


They have demonstrated with quantum computer that it can perform a computation in seconds. What would take the world’s fastest supercomputer? Years, thousands of years to-do that same calculation. 

Google used a 53 qubit processor named Sycamore to complete the computation, completely arbitrary mathematical problem with no real world application. The Google Quantum computer spit out an answer in about 200 seconds.  

Many of them were spinout of research teams at universities in 2017 and 2018.   So nature gives you this very, very bizarre hammer in the form of these this interference effect among all of these amplitudes. 

Right. That's leading to some backlash against the hype and concern that quantum computing could soon become a bubble and then dry up Just As fast if progress stalls.






  And scientists reading the output of the quantum computers are left with amplitudes leading to the right answer of whatever problem they’re trying to solve.  The quantum computers developed by companies such as Google, IBM and Regatta were all made using a process called superconducting .

 So they're laid out in roughly rectangular arrays and the nearby ones can talk to each other and thereby generate these very complicated states, what we call entangled states, which is one of the essentials of quantum computing and the way that the cubists interact with each other is fully programmable. OK.  

Now the order for this to work, the whole chip is placed in that evolution refrigerator. 


That's roughly the size of the closet roughly. And the calls it do about one hundredth of a degree above absolute zero. That's where you get the superconductivity that allows these bits to briefly behave as cubits. 

IBM recently unveiled a fifty-three cubic computer the same size as Google’s sycamore processor. We think we're actually going to need tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of qubits to get to real business problems.  

Moore's Law is doubling every two years. We're talking about doubling every year. And occasionally some really big jumps. 


So what quantum computers become useful? What can they do? Scientists first came up with the idea for quantum computers as a way to better simulate quantum mechanics. That's still the main purpose for them. And it also holds the most money making potential. So one example is the caffeine molecule.  l. We have these tremendous supercomputers that are out there.  

And this would be great for many fields, health care, pharmaceuticals, creating new materials, creating new flavorings anywhere where molecules are in play. 

So if we just start with this basic idea of caffeine, it turns out it's absolutely impossible to represent one simple little caffeine molecule in a classical computer because the amount of information you would need to represent it, the number of zeros and ones you would need is around ten to forty eight. 

Now, that's a big number. 


That’s one with forty eight zeros following it. The number of atoms in the earth are about 10 to 100 times that number. 

So in the worst case, one caffeine molecule could use 10 percent of all the atoms in the earth just for storage. That's never going to happen. However, if we have a quantum computer with one hundred and sixty cubits and this is a model of a 50 puberty machine behind me, you can kind of figure, well, if we make good progress, eventually we'll get up to 160 good cubits. 

It looks like we'll be able to do something with caffeine, a quantum computer, and it’s never going to be possible. Classical computer and other potential use comes from Wall Street. Complex risk analysis and economic forecasting. Quantum computing also has big potential for portfolio optimization. 


Quantum computers, the way they'rerebuilt now, would need millions of cubits to crack RSA cryptography.  For a lot of people, that doesn't matter. But for example, for health records, if health records were to be opened up that could compromise all kinds of things. Government communications. Banking records.

 Sometimes even banking records from decades ago contain important information that you don’t want exposed. . But what we do now, is that if you don't update your cryptography now, all the messages you send over the next few years and the ones in history could potentially be read.








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