
Java language


java programing

java language

java programming 


computers can only understand the code in the binary form which is you know 0's and 1's and all of you know that when we write the code in the higher level programming languages such as java or c++ you know the statements are gonna be somewhat English like and you know that form of statements are easy for us to read and understand the program but for the computer you know it can't understand the code in the higher level form. So we need to convert that to the binary form.



So all of you know that you know when you write a program in c or c++ or java or any other programming language, and that is called the source program or the source code. 


So what we can do is we can translate our source code you know which is in higher level form to a machine level form which the computers can understand and execute. 



The translation can be done using another programming tool which is called an interpreter or a compiler. So this interpreter and compilers are normally used to translate the code from one form to another form. And these two are going to work differently and we are going to see that next. So first of all what is a compiler? 


A compiler is a program which translates the entire sauce code into the machine code or you know any other intermediate code you know which can be used to execute the program.



So let’s see how the compiler works. So first you know we are going to have the source code written in the higher level languages such as c, c++ java or any other. 

And then we are going to use the compiler and translate this code to the machine level code or any other intermediate form you know which will be optimized form of this source code and then we are going to use another software or program called executor to execute the compiled code.



So this is how the compiler works. You know this compiler is going to read the entire source code and it's going to convert that to the machine level code or any other intermediate form and then that converted code will be used along with the executor and the outputs generated or got. 


And then we are going to see the interpreter. So what is an interpreter? An interpreter is a program which reads one statement from the source code at a time and translates it to machine code or virtual machine code and then executes that right away.



So first we are going to have the source program and then we are going to use the interpreter and this interpreter is going to read one statement from the source or you know one statement from the input to that interpreter and then it’s going to translate that and it's going to execute that statement right away and then it's going to continue with the next statement its going to translate that to machine code and execute that and again it's going to take the next statement its going to translate that and execute that. 




And similarly it's going to do for the entire code. So the difference between the compiler and the interpreter is that you know the compiler is going to take the entire source code first and it's going to convert that to the intermediate form or the machine level form and then we are going to use another software called executor to run the compile code.


 But with an interpreter, you know it's going to redone a statement at a time from the source and then it's going to convert that to the machine level form, and then it's going to execute that line of statement right away and then it will continue with the next statement. 




java programming

java language





So the next thing is you know how java works? or you know the steps involved when you write a java program and execute a program. So first we are going to have the java source code. And you know java source code will be saved with the extension of .


java And then we are going to use the java compiler and we are going to compile the code and we Argonne get the java byte code. So this java byte code is going to have the .class extension. So this java byte code is a modified version or you know the optimized version of this java source code. And then we are going to pass this java byte code to the java virtual machine or jam which is an interpreter.




 So it's going to read one statement at a time from this java byte code and it's going to convert that to the machine level code and it's gonna execute that.


 And then again it's going to continue with the next statement and it's going to convert that and execute that and similarly it's going to execute your java program. 


So we are going to get the output after executing our program by our java interpreter or you know the java virtual machine. 



And also in the previous tutorial I have told you that you know we are going to write the java code only once and then we can execute that same code in different platforms. 


So we can execute our code in windows, and also we can execute our code in Mac and also we can execute our code in Linux platform. 



So how is it possible? So what we have is the jam or the java virtual machine which is the one which is going to execute our java bytecode . So java provides platform specific java virtual machines.




 So if you are using windows platform then you are going to have the windows specific jvm,and for Linux we are going to have the Linux specific jam, and for Mac we are going to have the Mac specific jam or java virtual machine. 


So all these platform specific jam or java virtual machines are capable of executing the java byte code in the same way. 


So when we pass the java byte code to the jam in windows it's going to execute that and also when you pass the same java byte code to Linux and Mac it's going to execute it in the same way. 


So this is how our java program is capable of running in different platforms. we are going to have different platform specific java virtual machines.



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