
 c programming for beginners

c programming

c programming


The basic language of all programming languages.

Ø   For coding purpose one should have the   knowledge of C, C++ ,python.

Ø   Out of all the above languages one should start with c programming language.

Ø   This is the most basic and simple language .

Ø If  we have the knowledge of the C language then it would be easy for us to learn the remaining languages.


c programs for beginners

Why we should go for c language

c programs for beginners




Ø      The most important benefits of C programming language is that it is recognized worldwide and used in various  applications ,including advanced scientific systems and operating system Another important benefit of learning the C language is that it is the basic language of all Advanced computer languages.

Ø      C is a powerful general purpose programming language. It can be used to develop software like operating systems, database, compiler, and so on.

Ø      C programming is the best language to start  to program for beginners.


Ø      C  language helps you to understand  the internal architecture of computers.

Ø      It tells us how computers store and retrieve information.


Ø      After C language it will be easier to use other languages like java ,python ,etc.

Ø      C programming gives so many opportunities to work on open source projects .

examples of such languages  are  linux ,python etc are written in c language.

c programming for beginners


Advantages of c language

c programming

c programming




1.It is the  Building blocks for many other    programming languages.

2. It is the most powerful and efficient language.

3. It is a portable language

4.It has built-in functions

5. It has the quality to extend itself

6. It is a structured programming language

7.It is a middle level language


 c programs for beginners

To learn C language we should know the following points


c programming

c programming

basic c programming




First we should know what is a C language and how it works ,where it works ,what are its syntax, and we should have at least basic ideas regarding C language

 basics of c

So here are some points one should learn regarding C language.

basics of c language pdf


c language tutorial



1. keywords and identifiers

2. variables and constants

3. C data types

4. C input / output

5. C operators


C flow controls

c programming tutorial


1. If else statement

2. for loop

3. while loop

4. Break and continue

5. switch case


C programming pointers


1. C programming pointers

2. pointer and array

3. pointer and function

4. memory allocation


C programming strings


1. String functions

2.  c programming strings


Structures and union

1. C structues

2.C structures and pointers

3.C structures and functions

4. C  unions       





·         one should have all the above information. this are basic information of a C language.


·         By learning all the above points one can easily learn the c programming

·          By gaining the all the above knowledge one can start coding .

c language tutorial


c program examples

c programming codes

  1. C program to print hello world

  2. C program to multiply a number

  3. C program to add a number 

  4. C program to find the ascii value 

  5. C program for switch case 







 basic programming examples


Now here as a programmer, we will write the program or the instructions using any of the programming languages available, and then this computer will work according to the instructions. Now C language is one of the programming languages which we can use and write these computer programs.


now let's see the history of the C programming language. now this C programming language was invented in 1972 at Bell Laboratories of USA by a team lead by Dennis Ritchie and Dennis Ritchie called his new language and the C language, because it was the successor of another existing language at that time called as the “B language” and this B Language was highly influenced by another existing old language which was called as the BCPL at that time. 

Originally this C language was created to write the operating systems and compilers and then later because of its simplicity and its features C became one of the popular programming languages and even to this day C is one of the most popular programming languages used.


 All Right. now you guys maybe thinking like Ok, why should have to study this C language when there are so many other languages like C++ Java# are available This C language has concepts like the Pointers and dynamic memory allocation And many more. Now if you understand all these basic concepts of computer programming then you can understand all those other advanced concepts very easily.


These languages, they use something called as the “ object oriented programming “ approach and you know if you know the C, then learning this object oriented programming with be a lot more easy and also major part of many modern programming languages are written using the C programming language and also these languages, 

They take a lot of features from the C language and that’s why C languages are also called as the “Mother of all languages” So if we learn the C then learning any other language will be a lot more easy. And then the next thing is, C is a general purpose programming language. It means that you can use the C programming language to create different types of programs of the software.

c programming

c programming

C programming basics 

For example you can use the C programming language to write the device drivers. we can use it to create the word processor or you can use it while developing the games and also this C programming language is widely used for developing the major parts of the operating system and also this C is widely used in the embedded devices where you know you get very less resources and you need to write the efficient programs .

c programming tutorial pdf

The tutorialspoint website is easy to understand  and is most popular  website for learning the c programming .

Here is link provided for that pdf on c programming 




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