

 What is blockchain technology



blockchain technology

Blockchain We'll start with the definition.  So, to better understand how Block chains are distributed let's start with an analogy. Let's say I am with a group of friends and lend my friend Pat ten dollars. Now the friends see the transaction go down and they know that I have the correct amount of money and in addition they've essentially endorsed the transaction and they made a record of it. 

Now next week when Pat comes back to me to ask how much money had initially lent her, we could easily go to any of my friends that have a record of that transaction. Next let's introduce the fact the Blockchains are immutable. To do so let's dive into the pieces that makeup a block chain.  

block chain technology explained

First, we're going to have the transactions. So, this is going to be all the transactions that occurred when that block was created. In addition, there's going to be a hash.

 So, let's take a couple letters for the hash, generally it's an alphanumeric sequence and is usually a lot longer, more secure.  

So, let's say where you know right in the middle of the Block chain here and we'll pick something for the previous hash, maybe "2a",and so now let's move on to the next block. 

And so on, and so forth we can kind of extrapolation all of the hashes in previous sessions.  So, we'll start with the permission less Block chain.




how does blockchain technology work



blockchain technology how does it work


Now, the next thing I want to talk about is the idea of a permission versus a permission less Block chain. So, we'll start with the permission less Block chain.  

Now attendees are not exactly revealed, it’s only the addresses that people have, but regardless all the transactions are public and in addition anyone can register themselves to be one of the nodes in the network essentially having copy of the block chain and anytime it gets updated and new transactions are made they would get a new block.






blockchain information


Types of block chain technology

1 .  private key 


 2 . public key


A private key right you could Make this one is a private key It's not a very good one lots of people have thought of the number one before but you could you know you could pick some really long number and it's sort of a random number and We can use that as a private key. 


what is a blockchain

Now. You can see every time. I'm adding digits here its Recomposing the public key that relates to that private key, and that's why the stuff down Here starts changing so as the name would imply this Private key is to be kept private only you have this private key, and you never tell it to anyone else Okay, and just as the name implies Public key the public key here,

 you just tell everyone this is something that you want everybody to know This is something that there's no harm in letting everyone know There is not a way to derive from this public key What the private key is okay? 

So it's just a kind of a public Version of this private key that does not reveal what the private key is Okay, so I'm going to hit my little ray number generator, so I get a nice really long private key And it's not something you know where the numbers are close together where I typed On the keyboard it's something a little bit more random looking and then the system has derived a public key From this so this is going to be my private key, and I'm going to use this to do signatures So let's do that right now, so Here's a message signature So here is a message.

blockchain wallet

blockchain my wallet



I'm going to type. You know hello on dears. That's me and I have My private key here six five six whatever it is my private key only I have that and here's the message that only I have And I can hit sign and come up with a message signature here now this message Signature I can pass to someone else I'm going to hit my little verify button I'm going to pass this message signature to someone else to anybody else okay now of course they don't have my private key because I keep that private nobody else can see that but I Publicize my public key, and they know that everybody knows that this is my public key

what is blockchain technology


 So given this message and everybody knows my public key and given the signature that I just made You should be able to verify this now of course if I hit verify sure enough the screen goes green This is a valid message And I have verified that whoever signed this message and came up with a signal Signature had access to the private key behind this public key Okay, and if I have kept that private key secret that must be me okay 

So that's a message signature And how you can sign something and verify it now instead of just using this freeform text box Let's put some structure around this. I'm going to make a transaction here instead all right. 

This is similar to what we saw before the message I'm going to say is I'm going to send twenty dollars from this happens to be my public key to Somebody else's public key whoever this is that I'm sending money to okay? I Of course because I'm Simon smashes.


 I have my private key. I never tell anybody the private key, but I can use this private key to sign this message Which consists of these three things up here? And if I hit sign I get a message signature great all right now I send this whole thing out I send out my message and my signature to somebody else and They know that I'm trying to send twenty dollars from my public key to this somebody else's public key .


what is a blockchain

You'll notice this little blue box around the from public key that suggests that You can check this signature against this public key to see whether or not the private key behind, this public key actually sign this message so let's hit verify sure enough it verifies


 I know that the person in possession with the Private key behind this public key must only binders is sending twenty dollars To some other public key, okay, now, let's use this in the block chain 

blockchain explained

Let's go back to the block chain case where we were that we're looking at before now You'll notice a couple of different things here all right first of all There's not names here anymore right there are just public keys in the form and the two and you'll also notice that that I added a signature section here, okay, so In this case this is this Public key sending two dollars to this public key And here's a message signature that says that it is well What happens if I change this to you know 25 dollars okay? Of course it broke the block


 But it also broke the signature. The signature is not verified and that's why the signature is turning red so Wow? we couldn't press the little mine button you know a miner could take this altered block and Remind this block They're going to end up with something where the block is signed which should eventually happen and there we go and the signature though is still invalid because the minor has no they don't have my Private key, they only have my public key, so they can't come up with the right signature. Okay, 

what is bitcoin blockchain

so that's the way We can make sure that The message this transaction here was posed By the person that had the money and only that person not just anyone else on the Internet So that's how public private key pair Message signing is used to protect transactions.