
what is a super computer

Today we all are living in the era of an INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY  and all the technologies cannot be used without a computer . 

Whatever the information we receive or any technology are possible only with the help of a computer .


 In our day to day life whatever computer we use is called as Normal computer . 

With the help of a normal computer we can do all kinds of simple work such as  calculator , or to make any kind of PowerPoint or word presentation or any text .

types of computers

 We can  play games , watch pictures . all such kinds of work are called simple work and these kinds of works are done on the normal computers .


 whereas to do bigger work or we can say harder work there we need a special kind of computer made for this purpose . 

This kind of computer as compared to a normal computer is capable of doing a large number of calculations   within a minute .

 can tell you information about whether  and one big advantage of using these computers is that they can be used for making and operating big machines  .

 These computers help in finding detailed information about our natural resources .

In simple language we can say that The  computer who does this kind or type of big and hard work are called supercomputers .


Many of you  people  have heard about the word super computer and may have little information regarding the super computer .  we are going to provide you more detailed information regarding the super computers .



super computer







Before we know about super computers it is important to know about the computers . 

 What is a computer ?   


A computer is a machine who does work and makes our work easier  and it has input devices.

  such as a keyboard and mouse and with the help of these input devices it takes data from the users and the computer will provide output based on the data given by the user .

Whereas in case of supercomputers the work done will be a lot faster as compared to the normal computers . These supercomputers are used where lots of powerful and faster work is done .


  In reality nowadays we are in need of doing faster and longer calculations (high performance). so in case supercomputers are used . In the Hindi language the super computers are called “MAHASANGNAK” . 


Super computers as compared to normal computers do not do a single work at a time .

 At a time it can do so many or we can say multiple kinds of work at the same  time (energy efficiency).    It has the capacity of doing unlimited work at  a time


Super computers do not follow serial processing  but  it follows parallel processing    and supercomputers work according to the parallel processing .  

A supercomputer to have its work done completely and faster it follows totally parallel  



Normal computers follow serial processing  and due to this processing it is capable of doing  a single work at a time and after the completion of first work it starts the procedure for second work . 

AND  for these reasons normal computers are slower than the super computers .




super computer


how to build a supercomputer

In supercomputers there are thousands of processors working on it . THIS  processor is capable of doing millions or billions of kinds of work per second (computational science) . 


A super computer follows parallel processing and it divides the work into smaller work and then each microprocessor  does the work given by the division of work   at a time .


A supercomputer center follows parallel processing and they have the advantage of doing any kind of work faster .  In supercomputers many microprocessors work together at a time  .


THE computer will be called as super computers when they are capable of doing large numbers of calculations within a minute (department of energy) . 

The  super computers can do millions or billions of works at a time .  These are measured on the basis of “FLOPS”  AND are called FLOATING POINT OPERATIONS  per second flops  .


Whereas the normal computer is measured on the basis of  “MIPS” ( MILLION INSTRUCTION PER SECOND ) .




 most powerful supercomputer

In supercomputers  at the beginning when it was made it worked on an operating system called as “UNIX “  operating system  but with the advancement in technology nowadays it follows the operating system called as  “LINUX operating system .

 However the manufacturer makes changes in the operating system depending on their work and purpose .    


In supercomputers not only LINUX operating systems are used but depend on the kind of work they do . It sometimes uses operating systems like CENTOS   , CRAY LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM  ,  and are also used  (best computer in the world).




super computer


list of supercomputers




 how to build a cluster computer

Most of the time supercomputers work in many science related things or scientific things(los alamos national laboratory , lawrence livermore national laboratory , sandia national laboratories , oak ridge national laboratory)  (build a home supercomputer). 

Because of this sometimes they use some traditional language for doing this kind of work . Nowadays they are using modern programming languages like c , c++ .

 how fast is the fastest compute

The Powerful supercomputer (fastest supercomputers in the world) as compared to the normal computer , super computers are better than normal computers in every aspect of their use and work .

 And for these reasons the super computers are more costly than normal computers .

how fast is the fastest computer

 It is very hard for a common man to purchase these supercomputers.  The price of the super computer will depend on the number of flops it makes ( peak performance )  .   If this flop will be faster (world's fastest computer) than the price of these computers will also be very high .

The supercomputers are very fast as compared to the normal computers . 


fastest supercomputer 2016

fastest supercomputer in the world 2016

fastest cpu in the world

worlds fastest computer 2016

new supercomputers 2016

super computers for sale

fastest computer in the world 2016

raspberry pi 2 supercomputer

build a supercomputer from scratch

raspberry pi 3 cluster




Where supercomputers are used ?


The fastest supercomputers are mostly used in fields such as  those who required large calculations to be done at a very high speed .  

These super computers are mostly used in scientific , artificial intelligence and engineering so that they can contain lots of Database

supercomputers in the world are thousand times faster than normal computers . It is mostly used for weather forecasting .