




what is nanotechnology

what is nanotechnology


In this we will share information regarding the nano technology , its types , where it is used , about its particle nature and many more information



Everyone one had heard about Nano cars. The specialty of the car was its size (small) and the same is for nanotechnology means the things are very small .And this nanotechnology is so effective that it can be used in future everywhere . Nan science is used in chemistry , biology and many other engineering fields.  So for this you should have a knowledge of nanotechnology .


Nanotechnology is a  catch- all phase of the material and devices that will be operated by the scale called the Nanoscale .



          What is Nanotechnology ?

 “Nano” is a Greek word that means “small” .In nanotechnology the term “nano”  is a particle which is made from very small size things .


In this  way the Nanotechnology is a kind of technology or applied science which work on particle which are smaller than 100 nanometer (nm).In Nanotechnology the matter which are nuclear , atomic ,super molecular scale  is controlled and studied .


The idea of “Nanotechnology” was given by  physicist Richard feynman” . He was giving a lecture in his meeting and when he had said the line “There is plenty of room at the bottom “  .

  on the day 29th  December 1950  “California institute of technology “  and this began the topic for his research .   and then after a decade  professor NORLO  Tamilgun . 

He pronounced the word called “Nanotechnology” .  and in 1981  when the term “ELECTRON” was discovered  and from that time the research has started for Nanotechnology  and from the time many efforts were made to do a successful research on Nanotechnology.


Nanotechnology is the study related to the nanoparticles and the operations which have been controlled by both the physical as well as chemical properties .




what is nanotechnology

what is nanotechnology





            What nanotechnology can do ?


In today’s world people are more focused on nanotechnology because of its small size. The term “ Nanotechnology” or “ Nan science” is not a new term for all of us .

Because long ago biochemists (nanotechnology in medicine) have introduced these terms . Nanotechnology is used in computer chips for more than 20 years . Nanotechnology works on small particles . it holds great power .


current uses of nanotechnology

Because by using this technology the efficiency and energy consumption can be effectively increase , we can clean our environment , many of the diseases  bacteria can be cured .

The specialty of Nanotechnology is that the product which we can made by using this

uses of nanotechnology 

technology can be of very small size  ,


the product weight can be very less  (nano products we use today )


 the cost of the  nano products will be less as compare to other products


 and the raw material which will be used to make this product will be very less


 , and the energy requirement will be very less ,


By using this nanotechnology BIO SCIENCE ,  MEDICAL SCIENCE , and in the ELECTRONICS fields there will fast development in all these fields .


 cancer nanotechnology

Did you know that in the future there will be so small Nano robots we will get to see . These small robots will be so small that they can’t be seen with our naked eye(nanotechnology in  medical field) . They can be sent in our body  for the detection of the  bacteria and some unwanted material which can harm us  and they can save us from not getting  infected by any diseases .(future of nanotechnology )




the future of nanotechnology in medicine 

So can we understand the word “NANO SIZE “  ?



what is nanotechnology

what is nanotechnology


So to understand this it is important for you to know that  1  Nano meter = 1 Billionth  of size . 1 inch = 25,400,000 Nano meters .  

 The newspaper sheet  is approximately  1  lakh   Nano meters  . By  knowing all the above sizes  we  can understand that how small this Nano particles are .



         Benefits  of Nanotechnology

 current uses of nanotechnology

With the help of Nanotechnology we can make medicines  which determines the bacteria which are responsible for the cancer 



what is nanotechnology

            what is nanotechnology

 nanotechnology in food

examples of nanotechnology products  And by using this Nanotechnology we can find any kind of molecular assembling  and can be understood easily .  and its size can be made as small as our hairs .

 how is nanotechnology used today

        1.     It has very small size

         2.   It has high surface to volume ratio (nanotechnology products)


what is nanotechnology

what is nanotechnology

      3.   It Has higher hardness than other materials or particles

           4.    It has higher breaking strength

           5.    It will have toughness at low temperature .

         6.   It will behave like super plasticity at high temperatures .

         7.    It has high chemical selectivity at surface sites .

        8.   It has high surface energy .





Types  of Nanotechnology ?


Four kinds of nanotechnology


1.     Carbon Nanotube

2.   Optical or particle wave based nanotechnology

3.   Crystal sand nanotechnology

4.   DNA Nanotechnology




The material which will be at least  of the dimension between 1 NM to 100 NM will be called as nano materials .These are tiny particles of high potential .

These particles can exist in many forms which are  particles , powder , tubes  etc .


They can be metals ,  cosmic , or  any composite material  or any polymeric materials .





The nano material which will be of the dimension of 1nm and nearly equal to 100 NM will be called the Nano layer .




The nano material which will be of the two dimensions between  NM to 100 NM will be called Nanotube  .



Nano particles


The nano material which will be of three dimensions and will be in the range of 1 NM to 100 NM  will be called as the nano particles . 


Quantum Dots


The semiconductor nano material  between 1 NM to 100 NM will be called the quantum dots .


These will have dimensions from 2 to 10 NM


These  quantum dots can produce many different colors which can be determined by the size of the particle .





 Career in nano technology


what is nanotechnology

what is nanotechnology




To make the career in Nanotechnology we should have a good knowledge of chemistry , physics ,  and all the fields related to the science .


                     Education eligibility


1.        You can take a B.SC DEGREE (3 YRS)



WE can do some integrated course also