


What does  wifi stands for 


how does wifi work , wifi stand for
how does wifi work

what is wifi


Wifi stands for wireless Fidelity . 


As we have known that the invention of the internet has been made so earlier . But many of us were not able to use that internet . 



To use the internet in earlier days we required to connect so many wires . We can use the internet earlier only with the help of these connected wires .


how does wifi work ,  wifi stand for
how does wifi work


As the effort has been started to minimise this connection of wires  . The development in minimising the connections have taken place .


wireless internet


As the development and effort have to stop these wireless connections . The computer science engineers have made a wireless connection  and they have started calling it wifi .


Since this   development in minimising the connection of wire has become successful and it has been adopted by the people very fastly  and nowadays it has been used everywhere  like in schools , colleges , offices etc .


how does wifi work , wifi stand for
how does wifi work


If we see in the last past 10 year it was not possible for all to use this internet .  people used to go to internet cafes to  do their internet related work . 


But if we see nowadays the internet has been reached in everyone's hands . To use the internet now there is no requirement for the wires .



Whatever kind of internet related work we try to do  on computer or laptops we can now be able to do it by simply connecting the wifi with our computer or laptops and we can get our jobs done . 

It is a free wireless internet connection and everyone  is using the wifi technology . 

what is wifi meaning


The name of the wifi is wireless fidelity . The wifi is a wireless network technology  which has been made to provide the fast internet and can be able to use anywhere . The wifi technology uses radio signals  .


The wifi technology was invented by JOHN O'SULLIVAN   and JOHN DEANE  in 1991 . 


 Wifi is basically a WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK  (WLAN)   this is a  free wi fi internet connection and  kind of technology  . With the help of this  we are able to do internet and network connections .



how does wifi work , wifi stand for
how does wifi work



With the help of this technology we are able to download wifi connection for pc , computers , laptops and printers etc directly to the internet . 


This technology comes under the local area network which means that it can reach only within that area provided .


The wifi technology is not only used for connecting to the internet but also for   uploading and  downloading   like we used to share it  and xender.


It is also said that wireless fidelity  has  no importance . The thing  is that  wireless companies  made wireless devices  which are called HIFI  (High fidelity) . 


Wifi is  a standard  and by following these standards we are able to  connect to wireless networks .


In today's world the mobile ,  computers and laptops   all contain  wifi chips in it .   With the help of these we are able to connect to the wifi router  and then we are able to use the internet in our devices .


With the wifi router we are able to easily access the internet .   These routers also need wires to stay connected to the wifi .  These cables are provided by the internet service provider (ISP) . 


Nowadays many Hotspots devices are also available in your markets like jio  fi 4G   by using these technologies we can wirelessly connect many devices at a time . 


How wifi works 


In the wifi technology  there is a device  which transmits wireless networks . In this the routers get connected to a  wireless network and we are able to easily access the internet .  


The wifi devices use signals   and get connected to the signals available and create a small network in that area  which is  called a wifi zone


 This small area  is a wireless local area network  and all the devices like mobile printers  and laptops have in-built adapters   and are easily connected to the free wifi connection .


The computers don't have these in-built adapters and therefore we use a usb cable  to connect  the wifi . 


If you go to railway stations , cafes  etc you know that there is free wifi wireless internet access and we are in the wifi zone .

 uses of wifi

Whenever  we uses a wireless network it is a two way communication process 


Now we will like to tell you what is a two way communication in detail so that you can understand it in a better way .



how does wifi work , wifi stand for
how does wifi work


Let's say for example you are using a laptop and it is connected to a wifi network  and you are using the internet for data transmission  . 


 So the wireless adapter which is there in your laptops can be used  to convert the data into the radio waves and the wireless routers receive these signals and  then decode it .


The router uses a  physical wired ethernet connection  and sends this information on the internet .


This  process also  works on the opposite side . In these the routers  uses internet to receive the information  and convert it into the radio signal  and then sends them in the wireless adapters 


The signals which are generated by the wifi routers can be transmitted through walls . 

what is wifi channel


The speed of the wifi routers vary according to the distance . If the wifi router is near to your device then speed will be  fast and if the device  is far away from the router the speed will be slow .


In today's mobile devices are having the option for both wifi and hotspots .  So that we can easily access the internet and also we can use it as a router .


Benefits of wifi


1.      This technology is so user friendly that anyone can use it in mobile , computer , laptops and tablets and can easily access the internet.



2.    The use of the technology is so simple to use and connect . You need to turn it on and give the password  and then you can connect to the internet . 



3.    Earlier it was very difficult to get wifi everywhere  but now it is available at every public place  like bus , train , railway stations etc so that we can easily access the internet .


4.    You can connect to one wifi network multiple devices so that all can easily access the internet  for example we can connect one router to the 5 to 6 devices at a time .



5.     The speed of the wifi network is more than the cellular network . You can have speed from 1 mbps to 100 mbps of speed .


6.    When we access the internet through wifi  the speed of the data transfer also increases  . we can easily send audio , video and can receive also very fastly 



7.     The mobile data has certains limits lets say 2 GB per day but in wifi network you can have 50 GB per day of data .


8.    The speciality of the wifi router is that it can work in any part of the country  which means you can use a wifi router anywhere you want .


We hope that we have provided enough information regarding the wifi and how it works and it has been understood by you .

what is wifi access point

   wireless access point this access point can give up to 450 Mbps speeds over wireless internet connection so let's go and configure it so by default when you purchase a new TP Link router this router comes with default IP .

 so you have to enter this IP address in your browser and then your browser will display a login page by default password is admin and user name is also admin so let's click it okay here we go so whenever we are configuring this for the first time it's showing us quick setup so if you want very easy setup you can go through it and if you don't want to go through this one and if you are little bit expert and you can do configuration of your own so you can click exit and leave it.


So first of all I will configure this with quick setup so click the next here it will ask us change login account in case if you want to change your admin admin password and user ID for login to this access point for configuration then you should click yes. 

It will ask you the old username old password use username and new password and then repeat the new password so for the time being I'm clicking it no and next here it is going to ask us access point mode repeater mode bridge with AP client multi SSID so these are the multiple mode that this access point can handle so we can select whatever we want 

so right now I'm going to select it with access point mode because for that reason I have purchased this so click Next here is the a SSID you can say in simple words your Wi-Fi name that will display on your mobile screen and laptops or whatever device you have so by default this access point have Tp-Link AP 3494 so you can setit


Wi-Fi password you can say simple words let's suppose 123456789 so next and here is the DHCP server if you want to enable it or disable it right now this option is non select able because our router is not connected with any network so there is no any DHCP server found on this network so automatically this is going to be disabled awww sorry enabled so it will  ive automatically IP addresses to our clients that are connected right now so if there is any LAN connection or any other DHCP server on this network and this device automatically gets IP address for its incoming port then it will automatically disable this DHCP server.


So let's click to next and here is the summary of our all configurations wireless setting operation mode as access point Wi-Fi name SSID i channel Auto wireless security mode is WPA/WPA2 PSK and the password is 123456789 so network setting. right now this is tp-linkap.net you can type in your browser and then it can automatically come up with the login page and also if you want to access this router page with the Wi-Fi sorry IP address then you can type this IP address


 so let's finish it and here we go okay so after finishing all these installations this is our first page that is status page it will show the all status so this is a firmware version hardware version in case if you are going to upgrade in futures and newly released firmware from TP-Link then this information would be much more helpful so this page it will automatically refresh because definitely for the status it will get so it will refresh automatically so here it shows connection IP addresses 0.254 and this is the MAC address subnet mask and wireless operation mode is access point and all other things that we have configure right now these are here.

so this is uptime 17 minute 28 second here's again quick setup mode if you want to configure it manually so you can configure it so this is WPS mode so if you want to disable it you can disable if you want to enable it then it's also possible to enable.


This is network option this is used for configuring your LAN port in case if you are going to bound any IP address with this MAC address so then you should know this MAC address otherwise you can also setup the static IP address for your router so better to leave it for the smart IP, DHCP you can say. 

DHCP setting in this case you can enable DHCP or disable so right now because there is no any kind of DHCP server find on the network so it is automatically giving IP addresses to the clients that are connecting to this router this Wi-Fi access point sorry so here you can see these are the devices that are right now connected this is a bluestar MAC address, uptime and assigned IP address so here we go for the wireless these are the modes later on we can change from here also multi SSID here we can set up multiple SSIDs.

 This access point supports up to four different SSIDs so I will go with one only. Okay so channel all thing that we have checked there this is Wi-Fi password if you want to change your password so you can change from here and MAC filtering .

 This is very interesting feature in case anybody knows your password and you don't want to change your password also and nowadays there are a lot of applications that can hack your passwords so better to enable this option and put your MAC addresses and give them allow option and new here you can enter the MAC address and here you can enter the MAC address name just for description for your Wi-Fi and then you can select enable.


So when you are going to enter the MAC address and you aregoing to allow these from this option then it will allow only the addressesthat are entered in this MAC address list otherwise no any kind of device or laptop or mobile will be able to connect even if they know password also .



So I will keep it disabled for the time being i do not need. Wi-Fi advance these are transmit power you can setup middle, low only that is useful. Wireless statistics and throughput monitor you can click start here and it will show you what is the actual usage of wireless parameters,  wireless bandwidth.


 So one more thing here if you click enable SSID broadcast then it will show the Wi-Fi name on your mobile phones and laptops and if you disable this one then it will not show you Wi-Fi name on your mobile screens here we go SNMP, Diagnostics, Ping watchdog, firmware update, factory defaults this is useful when you are going to set the router to default setting.






Backup and restore when you want to take the back off of your setting in case if you have lost your chatting and your router is totally to factory reset. So then you can select the backup file and then restore this router back to that setting. Reboot you can reboot easily from here. Password you can change password from here also System logs this is system log that you can check from here all the system logs mail setting is also here if you want to configure email so it can give you email options also. Ok guys this is all that we have in this TP Link Tl-WA901ND router sorry Wi-Fi access point .