
  What is cpu  and gpu

What is cpu  and gpu
what is cpu and gpu


We all people are living in the 21st   century and  in the 21st  century our more than half of the work gets completed  with the help of a computer .


Nowadays computers and mobile phones are the  two mostly used electronic devices . To run a computer we required so many things or parts . For example keyboard , mouse , monitor , and  CPU etc.   


The CPU is one of the most important things necessary for both the computers and mobile phones . 

The CPU is also called the brain of the computer . Nowadays in computers and mobile phones high performance processors are built .

Which increases the speed of the device and the name of the processor is called as  GPU .

Whenever we visit any computer or mobile store for  buying computers or mobile phones then first we check the specification of that particular device . 

 What does GPU and CPU mean


What is CPU ? 

The full form of CPU is CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT  and now everyone knows it because CPU has become most popular  in today’s generation .  

The name of the CPU itself suggests that it  is the part of the  hardware in our computer or mobile devices . These CPU's help in running Application , software’s and programs  .


How  does the CPU WORKS ?

The CPU continuously runs the operating system and  Applications . The CPU completes all the necessary tasks in a computer or any other devices .

It performs tasks like arithmetic  ,  logical ,  input operation , output operations  etc.

CPU is known by many names like PROCESSOR ,  CENTRAL PROCESSOR ,  MICROPROCESSOR . Therefore it is also called the brain of the computers .


It is called the brain of the computer because it performs all HARDWARE  and SOFTWARE   instructions  and it receives  all the instructions and then processes  these instructions  and then it provides the result to the users .

CPU is a small chip present inside the MOTHERBOARD . The chip of the CPU is made by small small transistors . With the help of these transistors only the computer  can run the program and can complete the calculations .


The CPU takes all the inputs , instructions  and information given by the user  and billions of  operations per sec speed it completes all the work or input given by the users .

The higher will be the capacity of the CPU , with that higher capacity it will work faster .

Early the computers were having very low speeds . But nowadays with the advancement in technology . In computers  MULTI CORE PROCESSORS are used . These multi core processors are used because they can increase the speed of the computers .

what is cpu and gpu
what is cpu and gpu

 cpu vs. gpu rendering

What is GPU ?

gpu vs cpu machine learning

The GPU stands for GRAPHICAL PROCESSING UNIT .  This is also called the advanced version of the  central processing unit (CPU)  .

The GPU does all the graphical calculations .  Computer graphics are actually called images or videos made by the computers .  In our computer or mobile devices, whatever we see on the screen  are called graphics .

Nowadays many computer or mobile screens are made for high graphics purposes .  Because of this above high graphics the CPU was not able to perform or run its application faster . Therefore the GPU was made to minimize   the amount of load on the CPU .(cpu/gpu bottleneck)

How does the GPU work ?

gpu instead of cpu

The first and the main purpose of the GPU is to lower the amount of load on the CPU . The work of the GPU is to  load the image faster on the computer or mobile screen .

GPU follows the technique of parallel processing  . Because it follows the technique of parallel processing  it is able to perform graphical images and calculation to do work faster .

The GPU makes the quality of image and videos  very high on the screen .

gpu vs cpu performance

The  basic difference between CPU AND GPU is that the CPU runs the applications  , software and processor on the screen whereas the GPU is responsible for whatever animation or graphics visible to us are because of the GPU .cuda gpu vs cpu

is a gpu a graphics card

Images  , videos , games  quality are all handled by the GPU .  The main use of GPU in mobile devices is for making GAMING SOFTWARE . Because in gaming we required very high graphics and high quality performance .

gpu vs cpu performance graph

 Whenever you edit any images or videos in your computer or mobile devices then it is also done With the help of the GPU .cpu and gpu bottleneck

GPU also contains MULTI core processors   and therefore it increases the performance of the  computers .

In mobile and computer devices the GPU is used in two different ways .

 how do cpu and gpu work together

The first one is that the GPU is already integrated in the computers  . Which means it is already the part of the processor  and controls all the graphics related works .

For example, a commuter Intel processor is there  and then you can see that in Intel there is already the   High Definition   graphics in the system .  

In the same way in some mobile devices the QUALCOMM processor  which provides ADRENO GPU  . You can see these processors in GOOGLE , SONY , LG , XIOMI etc .

If your mobile device contains MEDIA TEK PROCESSORS you will see  MALI GPU


The  second way to use a GPU is that it is already dedicated  and it is only applicable for only laptops and computers . In the second way it is externally provided in computers or laptops .

what is cpu and gpu
what is cpu and gpu


CPU and GPU 

 difference between cpu and gpu in tabular form ?

cpu and gpu relationship

1.      The GPU AND CPU both are the processors of computers who perform tasks related to software and  hardware .

cpu vs gpu usage 

The CPU is a general purpose processor  who performs all kinds of work such as mathematical calculation ,  MS-WORD , EXCEL , MOVIES OR SONGS , and we can browse on the internet  etc .


Whereas the GPU  is a special purpose processor who works on only computer graphics . In computers, whatever visuals we  see are processed by the GPU.

 multi-core cpu vs gpu

2.    The  CPU is called the brain of the computer who can perform all kinds of tasks .


THE GPU in the system does the work for graphics and it  only performs a special purpose task .

why is gpu faster than cpu

gpu vs cpu speed

faster cpu or gpu

 CPU and GPU speed performance 

3.    The CPU has very less CORES and because of the less cores in it . It has very less speed to do a particular task .

 cpu and gpu combo

The GPU has a CPU in it and it contains more cores in it . therefore it has high speed to perform a task as compared to the CPU .

 cpu cores vs gpu cores

4.    In CPU the core  follows SERIAL PROCESSING TECHNIQUE . And because of these techniques it can perform one task at a time .

 gpu architecture

The GPU has PARALLEL ARCHITECTURE CORES  who has the capacity to perform multiple tasks at a time .   

It is because of the GPU only we get high quality in image and videos .

5.     The CPU requires more  space for computer memory .

Whereas the GPU requires less memory space for processing .