
Computer tips and tricks

computer tips and tricks

computer tips and tricks 

cool tips and tricks

Here in this blog we have brought for you an amazing content on computer tips and tricks .  we will really help you to make you look cool in front of others  . Here we have bring some of the important tips and tricks

tips and tricks for google

we will learn how we can make our computer or laptop faster we can make their processing faster there are some few compter tips and tricks . which I would love to share so let's start so guys the first step is to disable the auto startup where there are multiple apps which get started automatically when we open the laptop or computer so what we need to do we need to disable that app so that it will not take much processing time so let's see how we can do that so guys what you need to do you need to press ctrl alt and delete key and go to thetas manager in task manager you can see there are multiple tabs you need Togo . 

To this Fourth tab startup and you that so that so guys how we can stop syncing of one drive you can search for one drive here in the search bar or there will be a icon here like this is like you need to right-click on that and go to the settings after you go to the settings you need to go to accounts tab. 

computer tricks

In accounts tab I haven't added any account so that's what is us saying that add in account you need to click on this unlink this Patter this your one drive will not get automatic in sync and this will definitely improves your computer 


computer tips and tricks

computer tips and tricks

cool computer tips and tricks

so let's see so guys to disable the visual and animation effect what you need to do you need to go to the search bar and search for control panel you need to open the control panel you need to go tithe system and security settings in system and security settings there is adoption of system settings you can directly search for system setting as well after that go to advanced system settings in advanced system settings there is an option there is a tab advanced in Advanced tab you need to get these settings here settings of performance after you go this settings you can see that there is a custom radio button you need to press the custom radio button .

 you can disable all this effects after that you need to click on apply and ok after you do this there are multiple animations and visual effects which will get disabled and this will definitely improves the performance of your PC time the auto update of the windows


 what we can do we can press Windows key + R there will be run option search bar which will get open in this run option you need to type services.msc after that you need to click OK and there will be a page this page will get open you need to go to the bottom of the page you need to go to this option .

cool tricks on computer

window update right click on this option go to the properties and there you can see the startup type I have selected manual because whenever I want I updates I update my window you can disable it or set a manual please don't set it to automatic because if you set automatic whenever there will be update any patch update or any security update the computer gets automatically updated and at that time your system will get slows you can select manual and within 15 days or 30 days.

funny computer tricks and best computer tricks


you can so let's see how we can do that to increase the performance of the system. To disable the notification and actions settings you need to go to the search bar and type notification inaction settings here you need to press open after pressing open this windowsill open the you can see that it is on here so you need to select it off and after that HP would not be able to send you the notification unwanted notification and assistance .

which you don't require and this will definitely improve the performance so guys 6 is to free up the storage space in our system basically there are multiple files or software which we need which we do not need in our system and this will practically lead to the slowness of the computer or laptop so what we can do we can remove that from the storage system .

cool tricks on computer and easy computer tricks

 let's see how we can do that to update the storage setting you need Togo to this search bar and type storage settings and you need to open this after that there will be an option this you can see that storage can automatically free up space by getting rid of files you don't need so if you on this button the temporary files and the content in recycle bins and all the unwanted files will automatically get deleted from the system automatically



computer tips and tricks

computer tips and tricks

Computer tips and tricks 

 so this by default this option is off so you need to turn it on to clean up the disk space there is an inbuilt apps clean up in our system you just need to go to the search bar and is clean so this will come up you need to open this and you can see that you can clear up the whole Drive like I have three tribesmen in C F and Go .

tricks on computer screen for fun

 if I press on app and click on OK it will clear all space within this Drive so you can do this if there are unwanted files and want which is carrying the unwanted space so you can definitely proceed with that option so guys is to run an antivirus scan

 if you have purchased any antivirus within the system you can run the scan on a regular period so that unwanted Maltin malware and Trojans can be can be found out and from the system so you can run the antivirus scan or you can download the free antivirus from the web from the Google

 so you can run periodically and you can clean up the system this will surely increase the system performances guys ix and

 A last point is after all the steps which I have told you feel that your system is still slow and take it is taking a lot of time then the last step is you can do the factory reset you can reset your computer then it will become like a new computer itself but before doing that please keep that in mind to store your files in a separate hard disk or a pen drives so that you will not face any issues later .

you can reset your system let's see how we can reset our system to reset the PC you need to go to the search bar and type reset this option may come and you need to open this after opening this option this is the first option there .

you need to best get started if your PC isn't burning well resetting it might helps after resetting all the files will get deleted and it will be like the new computer itself so I suggest to back up all your data all your movies or your software’s music’s and all the things before proceeding with a song so these are all the nine points which we can do to troubleshoot our system .


computer tips and tricks


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